Ways we work

SRJC undertakes activism and advocacy that challenges the social, political, economic and legal structures that inhibit the enjoyment of sexual and reproductive justice

Our work at ARJC

  • is informed by an intersectional perspective in which all people, irrespective of class, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, disability, age, religion or any other factor can enjoy their sexuality, make reproductive decisions and access high quality services in ways that enhance their dignity, wellbeing, bodily autonomy and integrity
  • undertakes activism and advocacy that challenges the social, political, economic and legal structures that inhibit the enjoyment of sexual and reproductive justice
  • influences policy, law reform and service provision to improve realisation of sexual and reproductive justice
  • works to redress fundamental differences in power – or structural inequities – that exist on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender expression and race
  • works to create change for women and LGBTIQA+ as individuals and as a collective group
  • supports staff and members to take to the streets for action to advance sexual and reproductive justice
  • partners with other organisations to advance sexual and reproductive justice goals
  • is committed to building the capacity of other feminist organisations through networking and collaboration
  • requires people applying for employment and volunteer positions to articulate their understanding of, and commitment to feminist principles of practice and sexual and reproductive justice
  • actively supports staff in their multiple roles through flexible workplace provisions and entitlements such as paid parental leave
  • explicitly seeks to create a learning and caring work environment that is supportive of staff, and promotes staff wellness while simultaneously producing high quality work and meeting our commitments to donors, the SRJC community, and the groups and people with and for whom we work

Our work with members and community groups

  • is collaborative, transparent and recognises that people are the experts in their lives
  • focuses on listening respectfully to people even when we might not agree with their choices
  • uses practice frameworks that are people-centred and situate people’s experiences within a broader context of gender and power (rather than a problem with the individual)
  • avoids colluding with gender stereotypes and assists people to identify how gender norms negatively impact on their health and wellbeing
  • secures rights and equal opportunities for people to enable them to have greater control over their lives
  • ensures people have a voice in the development and implementation of services and programmes that affect them
  • shares power, knowledge and expertise to build the capacity of groups to advocate on their own behalf

Our board and managers

  • lead the organisation and staff to challenge systems and structures that oppress women and LGBTIQA+
  • help staff to make the links between broader theories of feminism and their work
  • work in ways that are people-focused, democratic and are committed to ‘power for’ people (as opposed to ‘power over’)
  • set and maintain boundaries of respectful working relationship
  • facilitate decision-making processes that are transparent, inclusive and work to share power among people in the organisation
  • provide clear formal avenues for the discussion of power and the appropriate use of authority and influence – e.g. their own and others within our teams
  • provide staff wherever possible with employment security and opportunities for meaningful engagement in the workplace
  • assist staff and members to identify and take up career and personal development opportunities
  • mentor and support other women to develop feminist leadership skills and to become the next generation of feminist leader

Our work in teams

  • is inclusive and respectful of people of different gender, ages, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientation and gender expression
  • is collaborative, cooperative and facilitates open and effective communication
  • considers and critiques feminist theory and debate, and how it applies to our work
  • encourages one another to challenge views or behaviours that collude in our own oppression or the oppression of other people
  • is a space where complex workplace questions can be discussed in a safe, respectful and open manner
  • ensures potential problems are out in the open before difficulties arise, to prevent conflict and the misuse of power

I am responsible for building a feminist culture at the SRJC by

  • engaging in feminist analysis, critical reflection and mutual learning
  • exploring alternative ways of understanding particular feminist topics or different ideas put forth by colleagues
  • ensuring my professional conduct is ethical and holds up to public scrutiny and private reflection
  • voluntarily declaring any conflict of interest in meetings or formally in writing depending on the nature of the conflict of interest
  • working in a way that protects or advances sexual and reproductive justice
  • fostering effective and respectful relationships and supportive work environments
  • recognising and respecting differences of opinion and operating in ways that preserve the dignity of others, sticking to the principle of the argument, and realising that disagreement can be a tool to sharpen focus and shift ideas
  • Addressing difficult issues face-to-face where possible rather than over email, attempting to resolve disagreement between the affected parties in the first instance, and requesting mediation where such resolution is not possible.
  • being open to having my behaviour and practice questioned or challenged in the spirit of supporting innovative feminist practice
  • ensuring I don’t use feminism as tool to avoid conflict or criticism
  • being conscious of the way in which I use my power regardless of my position in the organisati