Launch of the Guttmacher Lancet Commission’s Report on ‘Accerlerating Progress on SRHR for All’

The Guttmacher-Lancet Commission on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights  is a collaboration of global health, development and human rights experts from around the world. On May 9, a report on Accerlerating Progress on SRHR for All’ was launched in Johannesburg, and the commission called on national governments, international agencies, donors, civil society groups and other key stakeholders to commit to a new, bold agenda to achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

[From report abstract] Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are fundamental to people’s health and survival, to economic development, and to the wellbeing of humanity. Several decades of research have shown—and continue to show—the profound and measurable benefits of investment in sexual and reproductive health. Through international agreements, governments have committed to such investment. Yet progress has been stymied because of weak political commitment, inadequate resources, persistent discrimination against women and girls, and an unwillingness to address issues related to sexuality openly and comprehensively.

Some of the SRJC members [Kgomotso Matsunyane, Lebo Ramafoko and Barbra Klugman) attended the launch, and participated as panelists and Kgomosto as the MC.

“There was a lot of discussion about the need for a highly organised civil society and I found myself wondering if there’s a need for some kind of open space to re-imagine what forms of organising might be possible given the many groups that are already in SRJC, and those who aren’t yet”, said Barbra Klugman who was a panelist commenting on the report.

Click here to access the report.

Barbra Klugman shared her reflections and references on the report launch. See below:

SRHR Fulfilling our Commitments

Guttmacher Lancet report launch Klugman final 9May2018


May 10, 2018